- 新聞速遞 / News
發布時間:2023-01-09 來源方式: IASP總部
Dear member,
With a year full of new connections, collaborations and long-awaited in person meetings just come to a close, we are delighted to share our best wishes for the year ahead, and to reflect on everything the IASP community achieved in 2022.
Getting together
With many returning to international travel the highlight of 2022 at IASP was of course our first in-person World Conference since the pandemic. With a focus on the urgent challenge of climate change, IASP members and partners came together in Seville, Spain, hosted by Cartuja Science and Technology Park, to explore “Green and digital change powered by innovation: The role of innovation ecosystems.”
Focusing on digitalisation and green solutions, IASP Seville saw an in-depth examination of the unique capacity of STPs and AOIs to accelerate the pace of innovation. Their ability to act as connectors was one of the key themes to emerge from three days of intense knowledge sharing, highlighting the role IASP’s global community can play in supporting sustainable growth in cities and regions worldwide.
The IASP European Division also got together in Budapest, Hungary, members throughout China met at the IASP member salons, while a multitude of online global and regional gathering also took place throughout the year.
Looking ahead to 2023: opportunities to meet
As we’ve returned to in-person events, the year to come brings even more opportunities to meet your colleagues face to face. There are three regional division events already on the horizon: in April 2023, the IASP Latin America and North America division hold a joint event in Monterrey, Mexico, hosted and organised by PIIT Monterrey. It is followed by the European Division event in May, hosted by the University of Iceland Science Park, and to close the year, Korea Innovation Foundation INNOPOLIS will welcome members of the Asia Pacific Division to Daedeok, South Korea, in November.
2023 will also mark something of a milestone with IASP’s 40th World Conference, which will take place in Luxembourg with Technoport as our local host. IASP Luxembourg will focus on “Megatrends in Innovation Ecosystems: What are the impacts for STPs and AOIs?”, and the Call for Contributions(https://www.iasp.ws/media/IASP_2023_Luxembourg_Call_for_Contributions.pdf?rev1) is already open for your paper proposals. We look forward to seeing many of you there, as well as at the regional division events, which members of other divisions are warmly invited to attend too.
Providing essential knowledge about our industry
In terms of knowledge sharing 2022 also saw the publication of our latest Global Survey on science and technology parks and areas of innovation throughout the world, which analyses extensive data provided by IASP members. With in-depth analysis on specific regional trends, ownership structures, infrastructure, funding, specialisation, services, companies and more, it provides essential statistics on our industry which are valuable for practitioners and policymakers alike. You can download it here(https://www.iasp.ws/our-industry/knowledge-room/iasp-global-survey-2022--science-and-technology-parks-and-areas-of-innovation-throughout-the-world).
We are also proud to have launched the STP Performance Evaluator? for STPs to measure their performance and impact, available exclusively for IASP members. It is based on the philosophy that any STP is set in the context of a national or regional innovation ecosystem and its performance should be measured by how well it fits with other actors in the ecosystem. The only one of its kind, this self-assessment tool(https://www.iasp.ws/members-area/stp-performance-evaluator)explores the added value an STP brings to its ecosystem, along with the economic impact it is generating or can expect to generate as it develops. The more we use the tool the richer the data, just like the IASP Strategigram where we also encourage you to set a New Year’s resolution to either make or update your Strategigram profile.
In the months to come you will also receive updates about new projects, video content in the online toolbox of our member’s area, innovative best practice in this year’s Inspiring Solutions, statistics and much more. And don’t forget the IASP app which was another highlight of 2022, and a must-have for your mobile devices to have IASP news at your fingertips, as well as exclusive delegate access to past and future World Conferences.
As we begin a new year, one thing is clear: despite the huge challenges facing the world today, the value of an international network like ours for sharing knowledge and building collaborations across borders cannot be overstated. Thank you very much to all our members for your trust and support of our association, and we wish you a happy and prosperous 2023.
Best regards,
IASP President:Herbert Chen
CEO:Ebba Lund