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發布時間:2015-08-02 來源方式:原創
今年,卡塔爾科技園(QSTP)將于2014年10月19日至22日在多哈的卡塔爾國家會議中心舉辦第31屆IASP國際會議。今年會議的主題是:“科技園區:技術將如何發揮作用”, 并將探討以下內容:科技園的技術開發催化劑作用;大學和研發中心的合作模式;科技園和入駐公司; STPs & AIs對社會的影響。
Rick Weddle
Welcome Letter from IASP President
Welcome to the 31st IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation.
Close to 400 science parks and areas of innovation make up the IASP worldwide network. These cultural hotbeds are a rich resource of skilled and specialised labour, and a formidable platform for new business ventures and opportunities. The networking effect generated within STPs & AIs creates a path of positive feedback and the synergy between research and commercialization creates a culture geared toward building a resilient, innovation driven economy.
This year, Qatar Science and Technology Park (QSTP) is hosting the 31st IASP World Conference at the Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar on October 19-22, 2014. The theme of this year’s conference is Science Parks; Where Technology Goes to Work! and will explore the following: the role of STPs as technology development catalysts; models of cooperation between universities and R&D Centres; STPs and their resident companies; and the impact that STPs & AIs have on society.
Now is the time to consider the significance of science parks in emerging new technologies. I hope you will join me in Doha in October 2014.
Rick Weddle
International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation